Jakarta - According to a report by the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) in 2021, the Indonesian textile industry is estimated to generate 3.9 million tons of textile waste by 2030. In an effort to reduce textile waste in the future, Vasanta Group has initiated The Renew Threads program, which involves the reuse of wearable clothing, and is being participated in by all Vasanta Group employees.
The program has been ongoing since the first quarter of 2023 where all employees collect clothes collectively. The program has since expanded to include not only clothing but also books, toys and household appliances that are still in good working order.
Clothing of various types and sizes, books, toys and household appliances that have been selected with a total weight of around 100 kg have been distributed through Clothes for Charity on 21 May 2024 for further resale. The proceeds from the sale of these items will be used for the operational costs of education for children, marginalized groups, orphans and poor people who are assisted by Yayasan Gemilang Indonesia.
"This program is our effort to support the government in promoting the implementation of a green economy through waste management, and it is part of our commitment to sustainability and waste reduction. We are aware of the environmental impact of textile waste and want to implement solutions starting from our environment. This program is internally implemented and has received high enthusiasm from Vasanta Group employees," said Nicholas Hum, Group CEO of Vasanta Group.
Clothes for Charity welcomed the donation. "We appreciate the initiative run by Vasanta Group. There are so many benefits from this program, from reducing textile waste to supporting the empowerment of marginalized communities in need. We hope that there will be more companies and organizations that run initiatives that can have an impact on society," said Muhammad Nur Aziz, Chairman of Yayasan Gemilang.
Seeing the success of this program and the high enthusiasm of all parties involved, Vasanta Group plans to expand even further in promoting environmental stewardship, ethical manufacturing practices, and community engagement.
"We will continue this program with a focus on sustainable solutions especially those related to our business lines, market trends, and technological advancements. We also open opportunities for collaboration with public figures and organizations that align with our mission. This is our commitment to making a positive impact on the Earth and society," Nicholas Hum continued.
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